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process I-601A

Inmigration laws

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Hola mi gente, everyone! Attorney María Mendoza here. Today, we'll be discussing one of the m...

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212(h) Waiver of Grounds of Inadmissibility

Inmigration laws

Regularizing migratory status with felonies on the record: The 212(h) waiver

The Waiver 212(h), even though not very known, can pardon certain felonies and can provide a wa...

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Is it possible to regularize migratory status in the US even with previous criminal charges for drugs?

Inmigration laws

Is it possible to regularize migratory status in the US even with previous criminal charges for drugs?

Criminal charges for drugs are serious criminal charges in migratory procedures. Sometimes, even wit...

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pidiendo a personas a conyuges.

Inmigration laws

Can a green card holder petition for someone without papers?

Hola mi gente, this is attorney Maria Mendoza writing again. Today, we will address a question many ...

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Inmigration laws

Can you become a legal immigrant by helping the government with information about the commission of a felony?

Informing the US government about the commission of certain felonies can take an immigrant to perman...

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